Docufilms - MarcoBuemi

Marco Buemi
Marco Buemi
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Kiteto District Livestock Officer Birikaa Olesikilal talks about the benefits of joint village land use planning and participatory rangeland management, Tanzania. Filmed by Marco Buemi
A description of the dehesa silvopastoral system by Ernestine Lüdeke, President, Fundación Monte Mediterráneo, Huelva, Spain.
Filmed by Marco Buemi
Pastoral production systems in Tunisia are under pressure: pastoralist  Mahdhuoi Jamel talks about some of the challenges that he faces and how a local rangeland management cooperative assists. Filmed by Marco Buemi
This film shows how pastoralism is a sustainable and nature-positive production system in Italy, contributing to economies, societies and the environment. Filmed by Marco Buemi. Directed by Fiona Flintan, Marco Buemi and Cristina Ghinassi
This 1 minute trailer describes how three pastoralist women from different parts of the world are restoring rangelands to improve livelihoods, and benefit the greater society and the environment.Filmed by Marco Buemi, directed by Marco Buemi and Fiona Flintan
How To Do Joint Village Land Use Planning: Experiences from OLENGAPA, Tanzania. Joint village land use planning (JVLUP) is a process of local level land use planning with the opportunity of protecting shared cross-border village grazing lands and water for pastoralists in Tanzania.
1 minute trailer for the film How To Do Joint Village Land Use Planning. JVLUP is a process of local level land use planning with the opportunity of protecting shared cross-border village grazing lands and water for pastoralists in Tanzania.
This film describes how three pastoralist women from different parts of the world are restoring rangelands to improve livelihoods, and benefit the greater society and the environment. Filmed by Marco Buemi Directed by Marco Buemi and Fiona Flintan
This 1 minute trailer describes how three pastoralist women from different parts of the world are restoring rangelands to improve livelihoods, and benefit the greater society and the environment.Filmed by Marco Buemi, directed by Marco Buemi and Fiona Flintan
Copyright Marco Buemi 2009
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